What Fire Protection Services Can Do For Your Business
Posted on:
30 November 2019
As the whole country watches while the fires tear through New South Wales and Queensland, it serves as a good reminder that everyone needs to take fire safety more seriously. While that is true at home, it is also true at work, and it is time to consider what precautions your workplace has taken against the possibility of a fire. Fire protection services are comprised of a group of professionals that can provide you with invaluable planning and preparation advice that is unique to your situation and could end up saving you hundreds of thousands of dollars and possibly lives as well.
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Are You Paying Enough Attention to Document Security?
Posted on:
22 October 2019
If you keep a close eye on the news, you will have noticed that several large companies have fallen foul of new regulations relating to privacy and have been forced to pay a record fine. Many of these cases relate to digital information and found that these companies were unable to safeguard this data or may have been slow to report a hacking incident. You may not gather a great deal of electronic data yourself and may not be too worried about this type of occurrence in your own business, but how do you stand when it comes to real paper?
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Two Tips to Bear in Mind When Updating the Decor in Your Commercial Office
Posted on:
22 July 2019
If the decor in your commercial office needs to be updated, you might want to heed the following advice when you begin the process of buying new decorative items for this space.
Buy your indoor plants from a hydroponic shop
Few things will improve the look of an office faster and more effectively than some carefully selected indoor plants. If you'll be buying a few new plants as part of your efforts to update your commercial space, then it is best to purchase them from one of the hydroponic shops in your area.
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Do It Yourself: Easy Jewellery Fixes You Can Handle At Home
Posted on:
12 December 2018
Do you love accessories? Well, jewellery can be such a great addition to your collection. They will come in handy when you want to enhance your look. You can match your clothes with your preferred accessories such as earrings, neckpieces and bracelets. Certainly, the right accessories show how much attention you pay to your outfit and grooming. This is the same level of attention you should give to your jewellery when it wears out or suffer any damage.
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